July is probably my least favorite month of the gardening season. The heat of July is such a drag, I really lose all desire to go outside. Also, most of my favorite flowers bloom in April, May, or June, with a few August/fall bloomers thrown in for good measure. When it comes time to decide whether to put a peony or a coneflower in a particular spot, the peony wins for me every time. But, I've been making a concerted effort combat the July desert effect in my garden.
Caryopteris, Euphorbia 'First Blush', and Lamb's Ears |
It's a "between" time in my garden right now. The roses and clematis are in the lull following their first flush of bloom, Asiatic lilies are on their way out and Orientals are not quite on their way in. At this time I enjoy foliage and subtle flowers in my garden, like the combo in this corner of my peony bed. The flowers of Lamb's Ears and sedum album (in the background) are not standouts, but they create nice points of interest during this quiet time.
Achillea 'Saucy Seduction' |
A few perennials are putting on a bright show. The color of achillea blooms really pops, and I also love the ferny foliage.
Stokesia 'Purple Parasols' |
Perhaps my favorite July bloomer, Stokesia, is looking fine right now. Those giant purple orbs make me forgive its somewhat floppy habit and dull foliage.
Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star' |
This kalimeris (Japanese False Aster) is also growing on me, with its simple charm and easy care. It's like an aster, but needs no division, doesn't get mildew, and blooms from July til frost. The flowers are a very pale steel blue, although they look washed out in sunlight and in my photograph.
Nasturtium |
I've planted a few annuals here and there to liven things up for the summer. These orange nasturtiums make a cheery contrast with the chartreuse foliage of Tanacetum vulgare 'Isla Gold' in my orchard area. A newly planted blue agastache behind has yet to bloom.
Pentas near Siberian Iris, Lemon Thyme, and Damask Rose |
I popped some red pentas in throughout the patio bed, to live up the area that earlier was lush with iris, campanula, and rose blossoms. Hummingbirds seem to love pentas so I make sure to get some every year.
Marigold 'Zenith Red' with Physocarpus 'Coppertina' |
My favorite area of the garden right now is the back hedge. The orange marigolds are blooming strong, and the 2-year old shrubs are starting to fill in a bit. Also, I have finally painted the fence back here! This is what it used to look like:
Back hedge before fence painting |
And here it is now! I think it's a big improvement.
Back hedge with newly painted fence |
The hypericum (St. John's Wort) 'Ames' to the left of the arborvitae has now begun to bloom. It is still small, but recovering pretty well from last year's rabbit attacks (which prompted the ugly chicken wire you can see in the photos). It has pretty, blue-green foliage reminiscent of willow, and bright lemon yellow flowers.
Hypericum kalmianum 'Ames' |
One last long view of the back hedge:
Hypericum 'Ames', Thuja 'Smaragd', Heuchera 'Miracle' |
Head on over to May Dreams Gardens for
Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to see how other people battle the July doldrums!