
Sunday, April 15, 2012

What's Blooming Today

Here is what is blooming in my Wisconsin garden on April 15, 2012.

Mid-spring BULBS, including tulips, midseason daffodils, and hyacinths.

Tulip 'Abba'
Yellow and Red NOID tulips (possibly Darwins?)
Narcissus 'Thalia' with male fern
Hyacinth 'Blue Jacket'
Also some flowering TREES: Canadian redbud and lilac (I know this last is technically a shrub, but mine is shaped like a tree, so I'm going to call it one!)
Cercis canadensis (Candian redbud)

Syringa vulgaris (Common lilac)
Not many PERENNIALS putting on much of a show just yet. Some phlox, dianthus, nepeta, and bergenia barely starting to open. But this lamium is already blooming profusely. I love this little guy - blooms all summer, has pretty foliage, and spreads quickly but not annoyingly.
Lamium maculatum 'Orchid Frost'

Carol of May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day the fifteenth of every month. Check it out to see what's blooming around the world today!


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and I am glad to have found yours! Your tulips and Redbud are beautiful. Happy GBBD!

  2. Those tulips are absolutely amazing. I have zero luck with them here, so it's a pleasure to see them doing so well in your garden.

    1. They are kinda iffy here too - we have heavy soil and copious rainfall, neither of which they like. But some types come back, and those guys are in a hot dry spot squeezed between a concrete walk and the house. Tulips like it there - go figure!

  3. Beautiful, Rebecca! Love your redbud - I miss the one I planted at my old house. I spotted your 'Snow Angel' heucheras near the bleeding heart and hyacinth - LOVE those. I took a few divisions from my mom's garden in SW WI a couple of years ago. They are so pretty, both the foliage and the bloom spikes. I think I've become a heuchera junkie - just can't have enough of them. ;O I love your lamium too. The bright blooms are such a nice contrast with the foliage. Happy Bloom Day!

    1. I'm starting to accumulate lots of heucheras too - there are so many different colors, sizes, shapes... 'Snow Angel' is one of my favorites so far - really lights up a shady spot, without being too much "in your face".

  4. Your tulips are beautiful and your redbud is gorgeous! I've never tried lamium, but now that you've said it's not too invasive, I may give it a try. Love its foliage and the blooms, too.

    1. Lamium definitely spreads, but so far it hasn't eaten anybody else, and it's pretty easy to pull out if it's not where it should be.

  5. I love your Cercis canadensis ! It looks like a violet cloud.

    1. Thanks! I really enjoy it when it blooms. My daughter also loves to play under it!

  6. Lovely photos - I love redbuds. I suspect you are close to where we are in our blooming here in upstate NY. I haven't had luck with lamium, but have to say,seeing yours may make me want to try again.

    1. Lamium grows almost like a weed here... perhaps your soil is too acidic for it? I'm not actually sure what ph it prefers.

  7. Lovely spring flowers! And your lamium is early, mine has just started to shoot, not a flower in sight yet. Love your lilacs too :-)

    1. Everything is crazy early this season! Fun, but weird.

  8. Beautiful! I really like your tulips, especially 'Abba'. Tulips don't do well with our summer heat and repeat poorly, so we have to treat them as expensive annuals. Sometimes I buy a few. I also love your redbud!

    1. Abba is my favorite tulip that I've tried so far. It's a bit wild and crazy looking! I'm not sure if it will come back for me, but I've got my fingers crossed.

  9. Your redbud always makes me wish that I had one too. Your garden is a bit ahead of my garden, I have no tulips or lilacs as of yet. I have red and yellow tulips and daffodils in the front garden. It is a great classic color combination isn't it? I am a fan of lamium as well. You can't bet it for shade and half-shade.

    1. Normally I'm all about cool blues and purples... but in spring my eyes can't get enough of screaming red and yellow!

  10. Oohhh! That Redbud is eyecatching.

    1. I probably would not have planted one myself, because the color is a bit "mauve-y" to my eyes... but since the house came with a mature one, I'm happy with it! It does look nice in bloom, and all seasons as a matter of fact.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. You have a lot bloom right now! I have been thinking this year how much more I like my spring beds with lamium in them too. Happy April!

  13. Your plants are looking great in spite of some serious cold spells which I hear you have been getting.I love the redbud and yes we also tend to call the Lilac a tree.

  14. You have some lovely blooms in your garden at the moment - mine are just about going over now ready for the next batch to come through - the main colour in my garden is green, where all the new foliage is pushing through. Can't wait for the next stage which will be foxgloves and aquilegia.

  15. It has been fun seeing the progression of spring in different places. I can feel your excitement. Soon, you will have lots more blooms. Thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog.
