
Monday, April 15, 2013

March Blooms in April

Well, it's a meager start to Spring... there are *literally* only three things blooming in my garden this April 15:

1. Galanthus elwesii, the giant snowdrop

Galanthus elwesii with bergenia foliage

2. Iris reticulata 'Clairette' (only about 1/3 of these have opened yet)

Iris reticulata 'Clairette'

Iris reticulata 'Clairette'

3. Puschkinia libanotica - a few of these have just barely begun to open.

Puschkinia libanotica

I planted a lot of extra-early spring bulbs last fall, in the hopes of getting the garden started in March. By mid-April we would normally have daffs, early tulips, hellebores, epimediums, and lots of other spring flowers... Not this year! Oh well - they are no less precious for being late.

Hopefully many of the gardens at Garden Blogger's Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens will have more happening.


  1. So many of us are experiencing late springs, including here in upstate New York. Keep repeating "May will be better..." Good luck, and happy GBBD.

  2. How nice to have some early spring blooms - and I guess for this year, it's still early spring (or late winter!). Love the iris reticulata.

  3. The weather has not been kind in your neck of the woods! So cold, no wonder all of your plants are in hiding! I hope you get some warmer days to coax all of your pretty bulbs and plants out. Cheers, Jenni

  4. Rebecca, you named this post very clearly!
    I love these tiny 'Clairette'!
    I saw only crocuses in my garden last weekend.
    Have a nice week!

  5. I think this is a year where we will have to settle for what little spring there is. This morning I looked back at last year's posts and like you, I figure we are a good month behind. I have some of the same little snowdrops and love them. The Iris reticulata 'Clairette' is especially pretty.

    1. Such a cold, wet spring so far... blech! I will probably remember this time fondly when it gets into the 100s this summer though...

  6. Much the same here, except the Snowdrops have gone over, I do like those Reticulatas. My search on google for a cure to snoring yesterday has produced an advert for a cure directly below this comment box on your site. Now, that is what I call embarrassingly clever. I better take care what else I search for.

    1. Too funny Alistair! They are watching us... ack! Hope real spring comes to Bonny Scotland soon.

  7. I saw your name on Nadezda’s blog. I loved gardens even though we have so many pine trees in our yard we don’t have a real garden – but we visit many public gardens. We visited the Callaway Gardens here in Georgia in January (I had posts on them then) and just went back last week to check their azaleas – all in bloom. I’ll have a post on it soon. Your little iris flowers look very pretty.

    1. Thanks Vagabonde - I look forward to seeing your post about the GA azaleas! I just love them. Not too many are winter hardy up here - you have so many more down south to enjoy.

  8. Spring is doing it's best to catch up in my garden as we've had a little warmer weather over the past week, but it really is slow isn't it. I hope everything starts blooming soon for you, although at least you have those pretty Iris to look at while you wait :-)

  9. Spring this year has been a strange thing over here in London too, around 6-8 weeks later than normal - which is a lot! Good to see things are finally happening in your garden, hopefully you'll get some nice warm weather soon :-) Take care.

  10. Ciao! Mi piacciono le piante che coltivi, la Puschkinia libanotica non la conoscevo affatto. SarĂ  un piacere seguirti!

    Un saluto

  11. Wishing you more blooms soon. It was hot and then cold but it did help move the blooms along again....but they are definitely later this year.
