
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall Flowers

The garden is full of blooms and foliage this fall, and I am so behind on posting updates! Maybe I will get caught up over the winter... Here are some current highlights:

Chrysanthemum 'Mary Stoker'

I love how the bright red fall foliage of geranium wlassovianum sets off the yellow flowers of hardy Chrysanthemum 'Mary Stoker'. This is the first year for the chrysanthemum so it's still small. I'm hoping it lives up to its reputation and proves to be hardy and perennial here.

Anemone 'Alice'

My Japanese anemone has also started blooming. It's also in its first year and still small. I love all anemones -  'Alice' is a cultivar with large double pink flowers.

Anemone 'Alice' with Sedum

I have it planted near a sedum, whose bronzey-pink flowers harmonize nicely.

Sedum with calamintha and nepeta

Here is another sedum, this time with calamint and catmint. The calamint blooms non-stop from mid-summer to frost, and is an absolute favorite of the bees.

Amsonia hubrichtii, geranium sanguineum 'Shepherd's Warning', Calamintha

I liked it so much I planted another one, this time near an amsonia and some geraniums.

Lavender, kalimeris pinnatifida 'Hortensis', echium

Another flower-power workhorse is this kalimeris, or Japanese false aster. This year the rabbits decided to eat the nearby roses instead of the kalimeris, so it has actually been able to grow and bloom. It also blooms profusely for virtually the entire summer. I love this little combo of kalimeris, lavender and echium (which has so far produced nothing but strappy leaves). Here is another shot of the kalimeris close-up - isn't it cute?

Kalimeris pinnatifida 'Hortensis'

Peony, sage, rosa 'Eglantyne', and perovskia (Russian sage)

In this view of the rose garden you can see the soft purple of the Russian sage in the background. This is another dependable long-bloomer. Roses are not so generous in the fall, but a few repeat bloomers still add some precious highlights to this area. Soon they will all go to sleep.

Rosa 'Eglantyne' with common sage


  1. Rebecca, your garden looks very nice in fall! Lovely anemones, asters: these flowers are really fall blooming.
    Have a nice week!

  2. Eglantyne is just beautiful. And I love your 'alice' anemone. I have quite fallen for anemones this year. And I love her paired with the sedum, too!

  3. I really love kalimeris, too. It's such a tough plant. :o) I just bought a variegated calamintha and am excited to grow it next summer. Your garden looks great. :o)

  4. Still great plants to see in your garden, the Anemone along with the Sedum looks very handsome.

  5. Your garden looks absolutely amazing, wow all that hard work has indeed payed off. My wife and I love our garden too and spend countless hours replanting and moving plants around to make sure they thrive in winer. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us and we look forward to many more great blogs in the future to come.

    Raymond Quinn @ River Oaks Plant House
