
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Second Wave of Bulbs

A second wave of bulbs is washing over my garden as spring really starts to get in gear.

Early spring bulbs (crocus, chionodoxa, narcissus, scilla)

Crocus vernus 'Yellow Mammoth' is blooming in my rose garden. The roses are a mess as I haven't given them their spring pruning yet, but it might be a bit early as they haven't shown signs of growth yet.

Crocus vernus 'Yellow Mammoth'

I've sprinkled the gorgeous dark blue Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty' throughout my beds. Hopefully they will eventually spread to make a thick carpet of blue in spring.

Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty'

A somewhat rare glory of the snow, chionodoxa gigantea alba, has begun opening in this shady corner. I'm enjoying the simple purity of its all-white flowers.

Chionodoxa gigantea alba

The more well-known Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant' is still going strong. It has begun to naturalize among the still-bare barberry stems. The pink does not really harmonize with the strong yellows, purples, and blues in my garden right now, but it's tucked somewhat inconspicuously into a corner so it doesn't bother me TOO much.

Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant' with barberry

As are the Puschkinia. These are wonderfully long flowering for a "little" bulb. Here they are next to the soft fuzzy new leaves of Geranium wlassovianum.

Puschkinia libanotica alba

The very early daffodil variety 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation' is now at its peak. This is a very "ordinary" looking daffodil, but its extremely early bloom time makes it special.

Narcissus 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation'

It is growing in my "orchard" under the fruit trees, behind the patio area.

Blooming in backgroud: Narcissus 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation'

Teensy 'Tete-a-tete', another ultra early daffodil variety, has started popping too. It's a cutie!

Miniature narcissus 'Tete-a-Tete'

A few bulbs of 'Ice Follies' have also begun blooming. This patch of bulbs is blooming earlier than the others, because they're in a warm spot right by the house. The rest of my "early" daffodils are still waiting in the wings, but should start opening over the next week or so.

Narcissus 'Ice Follies'

This mystery hellebore, which may or may not be 'Sparkling Diamond', is also joining in the show.

Helleborus orientalis, possibly 'Sparkling Diamond'

Some perennials are finally starting to wake up as well. It's so exciting to go outside every day and hunt for new things - a new leaf here, a shoot pushing through the ground there. Hurray for spring!

Emerging foliage of Geranium wlassovianum


  1. The spring bulbs seem so appropriate for Easter. Sadly, mine are already gone as southern California hurries onward toward summer at breakneck speed.

  2. You have a nice collection of springbulbs in flower. Here in western Europe bulbs are out of flowers now, except the late tulips. We have an exceptionally early spring this year, everything is about 2 to 3 weeks earlier.

  3. It is amazing to see those lovely little gems springing from brown dormant ground.

  4. Many of my daffodils are finishing their cycle of bloom, and now it is time for the tulips. Your spring bulb blooms are so lovely, scattered in all the right places.

  5. Love your white Chionodoxa. I have only blue one. Also the hellebore are wonderful, double!
    Have a nice week Rebecca!
