
Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Bouquet

My six-year-old daughter picked these for me yesterday:

Bouquet of Peony and Coralbells
She loves to pick flowers - it's sometimes hard to keep them in the garden with her around! She wants to know the names of plants and likes things with funny names, like "pigsqueak" and "foxgloves." She was excited to learn that the flowers she picked come from China, and now marches about proudly telling people how she made a "Chinese bouquet."

I'm not sure what variety the peony is - it was here when we moved in. It is a midseason bloomer with pale shell pink petals with occasional red flecks. Not particularly fragrant. Might be 'Norma Volz', or something similar. The poor thing is wedged between the side of the house and a tall privacy fence, with a dense canopy of arborvitae above. It gets basically no sunlight there - I really have no idea how it manages to survive, much less bloom!

Poor peony in the shade
Since I rather like the flowers, I may try to move it somewhere more suitable in the fall. I have three more herbaceous peonies (whose names I do know) which should be blooming soon - can't wait! I'll have to try to hide the scissors from my daughter when they open...


  1. What a beautiful bouquet! And how sweet of your daughter to pick it for you. The peony is just gorgeous. Good luck moving it. I hope it responds by giving you many more blooms each year!

  2. How fun for you to have your daughter so involved in your garden!

  3. How charming to have your daughter pick flowers for you. Beautiful, Christina

  4. Spurge, Thanks for visiting my blog so regularly. I would be a better visitor myself if my plant nursery wasn't so busy. The hostas behind the flowers in the vase would look great in the vase and would fit with the China theme. Carolyn

  5. Hi! You asked me to post a picture of my Tree Peony 'Rockii' - and I just wanted to let you know that I just did.
    It took 5 years for it to grow to a height and width of appr. 1,5 metres. Love it!

  6. Yeah, kids and gardens. I get some watering help (loves to water), but unfortunately, if it were up to her everything would live in a pond. And everything would be picked too... I think thats universal! My mom told me once that my brother and I went all around the neighborhood and brought her home a huge bouquet! haha. I suspect the neighbors let us do it, because there is no way nobody noticed us tromping through their yards.

  7. 6 year olds make the best bouquest, right? My 7 year old has been in to making "centerpieces". One day I got home and there were all these peony blooms on the sidewalk - just cut and chucked on the ground. I guess they were the rejects from her flower arranging.

  8. How sweet that your daughter takes an interest in the flowers. Do some research before moving the peony. I am thinking some times of the year are better than others for them to be moved.

  9. Spruge,your daughter is talented, may she'll be interested in gardening?
