
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Late May Flowers

It seems a bit quiet in the garden now, although when I look around I do see lots of things blooming here and there. Here are a few things that caught my eye on a morning stroll:

Campanula persicifolia (Peach-leaved bellflower)
I just planted this campanula, so it's still really puny, but it's blooming sweetly already. I don't expect it to live long, but it's a nice filler between slow-growing neighbors. I like the soft violet flowers against the backdrop of purplish sedum foliage.

Geranium sanguineum 'Shepherd's Warning'
The deep magenta color of this geranium is arresting (it appears darker and more violet in reality - my camera refuses to photograph certain colors accurately...), but this cultivar is a bit TOO diminutive for me. It's only about 3 inches tall - wouldn't hide your toes, much less the dying bulb foliage behind it. I may have to replace it with something a bit bushier.

Tradescantia andersoniana  'Blue Stone'
Tradescantia (Spiderwort) is a cheerful, unassuming plant. I think it's the perfect thing to come upon at the bottom of a stair. A sprinkling of new flowers appears every morning, but they fade before evening falls. Oh well, you have the next day's flowers to look forward to!

Heuchera 'Snow Angel', with Dicentra spectabilis and Dryopteris felix-mas
This heuchera just keeps on going and going! It has been blooming for almost a month now. As you can see there are a few scattered blooms still lingering on the bleeding heart as well.

Peony 'Myrtle Gentry'
One of my herbaceous peonies, 'Myrtle Gentry', is blooming! It was planted just last fall so I'm impressed that it has such a nice fat bloom this spring. The flower is stuffed to bursting with gentle pink petals, and has an incredible fragrance reminiscent of old garden roses. Can't wait for it to increase and put on a big show!


  1. Rebecca, what a nice color your peony has! I love the geranium too, but I've not those of bright pink.

  2. There's lots of pretty color in your garden! How long has your heuchera been blooming? I have heuchera 'beaujolais.' It has dark red leaves (like the wine!), and is very pretty, but isn't blooming yet. I've been thinking of getting another, maybe a different variety. I may have to try snow angel!

  3. Lovely flowers, Rebecca. I know what you mean about the camera not being able to photograph violet/blue/purple accurately. It's very obvious if you look up a plant on Google Images and all the pictures are different shades. Makes it hard to judge what the colour really is.

  4. I really like your Heuchera, they seem to deteriorate in our garden, only looking good for a couple of years. The Geranium sanguineum 'Shepherd's Warning' I expect would look good in a rockery or at the front of a border, I wonder if it has a long flowering period.

  5. I think I have the same geranium and I can't get my camera to show the true colour either! you have some very pretty plants. Christina
