
Plants in the Garden

Here is a list of the plants currently growing in the ornamental areas of my garden. I'm always adding (and occasionally deleting) things so it's an ever-changing group. Most plants are only 1-2 years old, so especially the shrubs have a ways to go before maturity. I'm trying to fill the gaps with annuals and "put on my patient pants," as my kindergartener says. This year I plan to smother as much of the remaining lawn as possible, to make way for further expansion.

Click on the links below to see my "collections" of plants in each group:


Peonies are my favorite plants and I have a variety of different types: tree peonies, lactifloras, herbaceous hybrids, species peonies, and an intersectional.

Chinese tree peonies blooming in May

I have several roses, including Old Garden Roses, modern shrubs, Austin roses, and a species rose.

Asiatics, Orientals, Martagons, and some LA hybrids.
LA hybrid lily 'Golden Tycoon'

Siberian Irises, plus a few species irises.

Iris cristata (Dwarf Crested Iris)

Clematis and other vines
You can squeeze a lot of vines in a small space!

Hardy Geraniums
I have way too many geraniums... it's starting to get ridiculous.

Thalictrum and Epimedium
Two of my favorite types of perennials.

I seem to have become an accidental collector of heuchera.

Heuchera 'Firefly' flowering, with hosta and astilbe

Ferns and Hostas
Shade garden stalwarts.

Sun Perennials

Other perennials not listed above, which prefer mostly sunny conditions.

Calamint, Sedum, Nepeta, Heuchera, Chamaecyparis

Shade Perennials

Other perennials that grow in the shadier parts of my garden. 

Dryopteris felix-mas (male fern), with Bergenia cordifolia 'Red Beauty', Polygonatum odoratum, Heuchera 'Snow Angel', Dicentra spectabilis

Deciduous Shrubs
My favorite is shrubs with good fall color, like barberry, viburnum, and fothergilla.

Evergreen Shrubs
Dwarf conifers!
Chamaecyparis pisifera aurea nana (Golden False Cypress) with Sedum spectabile and Heuchera 'Prince'
I mostly stick to bulbs that I hope will perennialize, like daffodils, scilla, chionodoxa, and early or species tulips.

Double early tulip 'Abba' with perennial candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)

Amelanchier (unknown species/cultivar)
Cercis canadensis
Maples (unknown species)
Ash (? I think - unknown species)


  1. So nice to have found you. I am looking forward to watching a new year unfold in your garden!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. I see, we have the same taste in plants. Lovely garden you have. Vesna - Kalipso

  3. These are wonderfully showy tree peonies. How could Christopher Lloyd have called them boring? What an interesting list of plants and trees. You even have a fothergilla. A woman of taste and disernment, Rebecca....bit like myself!

  4. Wow... I really love your garden.. the flowers are totally wonderful..

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